Celebration is May 19

On May 19 in Keene, there will be a celebration of the opening of a pedestrian/bicycle bridge that activists have worked for two decades to make happen. The bridge crosses Route 101, about 500 feet southeast of the Walmart. It's known as South Bridge. The below photos show another pedestrian/bicycle bridge in Keene – North Bridge – that looks almost exactly like the new one.

“South Bridge is a great addition to the city's trail system,” Phil Jones told the Valley Post. He is on the board of the group Pathways for Keene.

Chuck Redfern told the Valley Post, “Members of Pathways for Keene have worked for almost 20 years to make this bridge happen.” He is also on the group's board.

Years ago, the day before Pathways member Bill Appel died of cancer, Appel attended a public hearing to speak in favor of the bridge, Redfern said. “John Summers spearheaded the push for South Bridge,” Redfern said. "Thom Little was key in making the bridge happen. I started working on this when I was 34 years old. I'm 54 now.”

The celebration starts at 2:30 p.m. at the north end of the bridge. Two bikes will be given away in a free raffle.

The photos, below, show North Bridge. It's near the corner of West Street and Route 9 in Keene, and opened in 2012. To enlarge a photo, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” photos by Eesha Williams

Pathways for Keene has a web site at www.PathwaysForKeene.org.

Groups in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont that work to create better sidewalks, bike paths, and other improvements for pedestrians and bicycle riders have web sites at:



www.WalkBoston.org (works statewide, despite the name)

www.LocalMotion.org (works throughout Vermont)

In other Keene news, environmental activists are asking the public to attend a public hearing being held by the city government about proposed construction of fossil fuel infrastructure. The hearing will be on May 22 at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, in the council chambers. More information is at:



A FRACKED GAS PLANT isn't compatible with Keene community values

A city that has climate action and climate adaptation plans, an exemplary recycling facility and just completed a new bike path bridge doesn't seem compatible with A FRACKED GAS PLANT. #NotKeeneOnEnergyThatsNotGreen

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