Photo: Activists Fight an Eviction

On May 25, activists gathered at 2163 Wilbraham Road in Springfield to try to stop a multi-billion dollar bank from evicting a low-income family from the home at that address where they have lived for 20 years.

U.S. Bank Corporation evicted the family, but the fight is not over. The activists are working to get the family back into their home, organizer Candejah Pink told the Valley Post. They have won several of these kind of victories in recent years in Springfield. Details about -- and photos of -- some of these victories are at:

The activists have a web site at

The below photo was taken on May 25, 2017 at 2163 Wilbraham Road in Springfield by Michael Jones. He is running for mayor of Springfield. More information about Jones is at To enlarge the below photo, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” You can then zoom in more by clicking on the photo again.


Eviction protest.

Sounds like Michael Jones would be the right kind of mayor for Springfield: one that cares.

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