Teachers Rally

On May 20, public school teachers held a rally calling for the majority of the members of the local school board to resign. The rally was in Northfield, Massachusetts. The Connecticut river flows through Northfield. The town is on the Vermont border. “We like one of the committee members, the other dozen or so should resign,” Ariel LaReau told the Valley Post in a telephone interview on the day of the rally. She is a teacher and president of the teachers union. The actions of the school board – known in Northfield as the “school committee” – have led to dramatic cuts in funding for education, LaReau said. About 30 people were at the rally. The teachers have a web site at www.MassTeacher.org.

In other news from the Valley, a Brattleboro resident was one of 14 people arrested for nonviolent civil disobedience at the Vermont statehouse on May 21. The action was part of the the Poor People's Campaign. Among the campaign's goals are universal healthcare, 100 percent renewable energy, taxing the rich, and cutting the military budget. Details are at www.PoorPeoplesCampaign.org.

In other news from the Valley, the May 23 editions of the Brattleboro Reformer newspaper and the Brattleboro Commons newspaper both had full page ads that were paid for by Entergy Corporation, which is based in Louisiana. Entergy owns a nuclear waste dump in Vermont. The dump is three miles from Massachusetts and a stone's throw from New Hampshire. Details are at:


On May 4, journalists in Louisiana revealed that Entergy had paid actors to pretend to be volunteer local residents and speak at a public hearing held by the government. Details are at:



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