Workers Win

On November 13 in Greenfield workers had a victory. Teaching assistants in the Greenfield public schools held a rally for justice on November 5. On November 13 they won raises. The workers have a web site at


There will be a rally on November 20 in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts to stop a giant corporate bank from evicting a low income family from the family's home. East Longmeadow borders Springfield. The rally will be at 6 p.m. outside 137 Pleasant Street. The rally organizers have a web site at


On November 14 a land trust in Keene announced it had permanently protected 123 acres of forestland in Marlborough, New Hampshire. Marlborough borders Keene. The land trust has a web site at


On November 6 Marlboro College in Marlboro, Vermont announced it will permanently close. Marlboro borders Brattleboro. The college owns about 500 acres of land. About 60 acres of the land has buildings on it.

On November 13, the college's president, Kevin Quigley, told the Valley Post, “The board of trustees is establishing a working group with Marlboro town and college community participants to consider possible uses for the campus. A particular focal point is our approximately 130 acre ecological reserve. I suspect that the working group would be open to a proposal to have that land be preserved through an arrangement with the Vermont Land Trust (VLT).”

Joan Weir runs VLT's Brattleboro office. On November 13, she told the Valley Post that VLT “would be pleased to join college and community members in discussions on the future of the college's woodlands.”


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