150 at Rally

In Springfield, about 150 people attended a rally calling on politicians to do more to deal with climate change. “There were great speakers and there was amazing energy from everyone,” Grace Tatian told the Valley Post. She is a student at Mount Holyoke College. The rally was on December 6. More information is at:



On December 8, a Valley resident was arrested with 11 other people for non-violent civil disobedience. They blocked a train carrying coal in Ayer, Massachusetts. Ayer is about halfway between the Valley and Boston, and about 10 miles from New Hampshire. Morgan Mead lives in Wendell, Massachusetts, near Greenfield. More information is available from the Wendell State Forest Alliance:


A phone number, e-mail address, and snail mail address are at:



On December 12, a land trust in Keene announced it had saved 28 acres of farmland in Walpole, New Hampshire. Walpole is on the Connecticut river near Brattleboro. The land trust also announced it has saved 100 acres of forestland in Peterborough, New Hampshire. Peterborough is about 12 miles from Keene. More information is at www.MonadnockConservancy.org.


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