Local News Round-up

In Holyoke on February 21 at 4 p.m. there will be a rally in solidarity with Native Americans in Canada who are fighting construction of a fracked gas pipeline. The rally will be at 12-6 Mt. Park Road. More information about the rally is available by calling Gia at (413) 512-1192. More information about the pipeline is on the web site of the tribe that's leading the fight to stop it:



On March 7, there will be free rides available from Brattleboro to a rally to support Medicaid. The rally will be a one-hour drive from Brattleboro in the Connecticut river valley town of Lebanon, New Hampshire. Lebanon is home to a hospital that lots of Vermonters go to. The hospital accepts Vermont Medicaid. For a ride to the rally e-mail windham@workerscenter.org. More information is at www.WorkersCenter.org. Vermont's Republican governor is trying to cut millions of dollars from Medicaid, which provides free health care for young and middle-age poor people.

Medicare is Medicaid for old people. A new Yale study says Medicare for All would save residents of the USA more than $450 billion and prevent 68,000 deaths annually. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders support Medicare for All.


Last month, about 500 people took part in the Springfield, Massachusetts Women's March. Photos are at:


On February 19, the national Women's March group sent an e-mail to its members that reads, “Bloomberg has a well-documented history of sexual harassment.” An article with details is at:



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