Nature, Justice

On June 6 the annual town meeting in Sunderland, Massachusetts will be held outdoors at 4 p.m. People are required to wear a face mask and, if they want to sit on a chair, they should bring a chair. Sunderland borders Amherst. At the meeting people will decide whether to save 40 acres of open space in town from development.

On May 19 the Trust for Public Land created a map for the Valley Post. The map, which is below, includes the most recent data available. It shows the land that has been protected from development in the Valley Post coverage area. To enlarge the map, click on it, then scroll down and click “see full size image.” Then you can click on it again to zoom in more. More information about the Trust is at The Valley Post thanks the Trust for the map.


A bill in the Vermont legislature would decriminalize prostitution. No nation keeps such a high percentage of its people in prison as the USA. Europe's rate is a third of ours. Prostitution is legal in Europe.


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