300 March in Amherst

About 300 people marched in Amherst on February 2. The goal was justice for UMass workers. Umass professor Eve Weinbaum told the Valley Post the event went well. The group that organized the march has a web page at:



Thondup Tsering works at Umass Amherst. He told the Valley Post he's planning to attend a march in Boston on February 6 to protect the people of Tibet from attacks by the government of China. March organizers have a web page at:



In Brattleboro, an abortion rights rally was set for February 5, noon - 2 p.m., outside 118 Elliot Street. Overpopulation is the number one cause of climate change. The rally organizers have a web site at https://ReproLibertyVT.org.


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