Homeless Rally

About 50 people attended a rally in Springfield on April 12. The goal was to get politicians to provide high quality homes for homeless people. The group that organized the rally has a web site at www.SpringfieldNoOneLeaves.org.

The most recent data for how many people in the USA are homeless comes from January 2020. At that time about 580,000 people were homeless. That data is from:


In October 2021, Vermont state senator Anthony Pollina told the Valley Post the state of Vermont's current tax system is increasing "income and wealth inequality in Vermont… Low and moderate income people end up paying a greater share of their income in taxes than wealthier people do… The Trump era tax cuts save the wealthiest 5 percent of Vermonters $237 million a year... I have long supported and introduced amendments to raise the income tax on the wealthiest in Vermont.”


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