Farm Worker Rally

In Brattleboro on May 1, dairy farm workers – most of whom are undocumented immigrants from Mexico – held a rally with their supporters. The rally was outside the Hannaford supermarket. About 20 people were at the rally. The workers have a web site at 

Sarah West was one of the rally organizers. She told the Valley Post, "We had about 20 people show up to support the action at the Brattleboro Hannaford. This included folks from Lost River Racial Justice, The Putney School, the Community Asylum Seekers Project and several other individuals from the community. When we delivered the message to the manager urging Hannaford to join Milk with Dignity, he was positioned with security personnel at the store entrance and threatened that if we didn't leave the Hannaford premises he would call the police. We remained peaceful and relocated to the public sidewalk at the entrance to the parking lot, holding signs and handing out informational fliers to dozens of willing customers as they exited the lot. A police officer did arrive on site and supported our right to free speech on public grounds."

She continued, "Despite the manager's confrontational attitude, it was inspiring to see a multi-generational group of community members show up with so much care for the rights and dignity of the farm workers that Hannaford is continuing to neglect. The students from The Putney School came bearing extra signs that they made for the event and held a solid, enthusiastic presence. And we often heard cars honking in solidarity as they passed, including from a Hannaford employee leaving work. I hope our message is being heard."


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