Strike Vote is 34 -- 1

In Brattleboro, 37 school bus drivers and “monitors” voted to go on strike December 1 if they don't win a fair union contract by that date. The November 8 vote was 34 – 1 with two workers not voting, Curtis Clough told the Valley Post. He's president of Teamsters Local 597. Clough said he will put the Valley Post in touch with two of the workers to interview. Those interviews will be published in a future article.


On November 9, a spokesman for the Brattleboro police department told the Valley Post that a person who was riding their bicycle when they were hit by a car on October 27 in Brattleboro is still alive. The person was taken to the hospital with major injuries.

In Springfield, Massachusetts, a vigil was set for November 10, 2022, the one-year anniversary of the death by car of a woman who was killed while walking in Springfield. Her husband organized the event to call on politicians to make Springfield safer for pedestrians.

Despite the name, the group Walk Boston works state-wide on this issue. The group Local Motion is the Vermont equivalent.


In Northampton on November 20 there will be an abortion rights rally. Details are available via


On October 30 in Brattleboro, 14 people attended a rally for farm worker rights. Details are at


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