170 Rally

About 150 people attended a climate rally in Northampton on March 21. The rally was outside Chase bank's new location in the middle of downtown. Chase supports climate change by loaning money to oil companies. The rally was organized by a group that has a web site at http://ClimateActionNowMA.org. The March 22 edition of the Gazette had no coverage of the rally. The number one cause of climate change is overpopulation.


On March 18, Anna Gyorgy of the Traprock Center for Peace and Justice told the Valley Post, “As thousands gathered at demonstrations in Washington, DC and many other cities across the country, 20 local residents (today) stood on the Greenfield common with signs and messages for peace in Ukraine and beyond. This weekend is especially important in terms of avoiding wars, as it marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the US invasion of Iraq, with its deadly consequences for the people of Iraq and the larger region, as well as those Americans involved in Middle East conflicts.”


The town of Whitingham, Vermont is on the Massachusetts border about eight miles from Brattleboro. On March 16, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a press release about the public high school in Whitingham, “The department’s review, which focused on the school district’s responses to allegations of harassment from the 2019-20 school year to the present identified instances of targeted peer harassment and pervasive documented use of derogatory epithets and comments based on students’ race, sex, sexual orientation and sex stereotypes. Because the school district did not sufficiently address these instances, students were deprived of equal access to the educational opportunities the district provided.”


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