Strike Victory

More than 100 people attended an abortion rights rally in Greenfield on May 13. The number one cause of climate change is overpopulation. Susan Triolo told the Valley Post that information about abortion rights will soon be at Triolo was one of the organizers of the Greenfield rally. From the north Greenfield exit to the southern Brattleboro exit on Interstate 91 takes 15 minutes by car, according to Google Maps. Amtrak and Greyhound run between Greenfield and Brattleboro.


A three day strike had a successful outcome for 16 childcare workers in Springfield, Massachusetts on May 8. Details, and a photo, are on the workers' web site:


In November 2022 about 40 people were at a rally in Northfield, Massachusetts. Northfield borders Gill, which borders Greenfield. The goal was to get politicians to “stop the massive destruction of fish and related river life by the Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Station,” on the Connecticut river near the Vermont – Massachusetts border.

A photo of people singing at the rally is at:

Another rally for the same cause will be at the same place on May 27, 2023. The rally organizers have a web site at:


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