Workers Unite

On December 10, there will be a 25 mile march from Northampton to Springfield to call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The march will start at 6 a.m. at 94 Pleasant Street in Northampton. Details are at:

In Brattleboro, there will be Jewish Voice for Peace rallies at Pliny Park, daily December 8 – 14 at 5:30 p.m. More information may be available via The Valley Post learned of the Brattleboro rallies in a mass email from a group that has a web page at:


Thirty cannabis production workers in Monson, Massachusetts earlier this year voted to join a union that has a web site at Monson is 10 miles from downtown Springfield. On December 6, union president Jeff Jones told the Valley Post that negotiations for the first union contract for the workers are going well. The company is Holistic Industries.

Last month, 65 residential advisers at Mount Holyoke college voted unanimously to join Jones's union. Jones said negotiations are going well on that contract too.


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