175 at Rallies

In Northampton about 150 people attended a rally to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, organizers told the Valley Post. The rally was on February 16. In Greenfield on February 21, about 25 people attended a rally for the same cause, organizers told the Valley Post. One of the groups that organized the rallies has a web site at www.jvp.org.


Brattleboro borders Dummerston, Vermont. Mike Mrowicki represents Dummerston and the neighboring town of Putney in the state legislature. On February 19, he told the Valley Post he supports two proposals to raise taxes on rich people. "This has a good chance of passing the House,” he said. The proposals are bill H. 827 and bill H. 828.

Lieutenant governor David Zuckerman supports the bills. He said, "In 2022, the average income of the top 1% of Vermonters was $1.4 million while the average income of the bottom 99% was $69,000. The richest 1% pay lower taxes as a share of their total income than Vermonters earning between $83,300 - $588,499." The bills would fix that problem.


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