Mobile Home Residents to Rally

In Brattleboro on August 18, about 75 people rallied to call on Biden and congress to stop sending weapons to Israel. The organizers have a web site at

With 4 percent of the world's population, the USA spends as much money on war as the rest of the world combined.

Last month, some of the 134 people who were arrested in Amherst on May 7 for protesting UMass's support of Israel's war on Gaza had a court date. The protest was peaceful. The UMass professors' union president said he supports the protesters. Two-time Pulitzer Prize winning author Colson Whitehead responded to the arrests by canceling his planned speech at the UMass graduation ceremony, which was on May 18. Whitehead also won a MacArthur fellowship (the annual award is now $800,000) and the National Book Award. The protesters have a web page at:


In Springfield, Massachusetts on August 28 there will be a rally to protest fee increases at the West Street Village mobile home community. The rally will be outside 50 State Street at 8:30 a.m. A group that's promoting the event has a web site at


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