Bus Drivers Vote 181 -- 2 to Authorize Strike

In the Springfield area, bus drivers voted 181 to two on August 22 to give their elected union leaders permission to call a strike. Forty-two drivers did not vote. The strike would start September 1. Issues are wages and bus schedules that are impossible for drivers to keep up with, leading to angry passengers. The workers have a web site at https://atulocal448.com. They drive PVTA buses but they work for a government sub-contractor.

Journalists from the Valley Post, and from a group of local commercial TV stations, got no reply when they left voicemail at the number listed on that web site. The Valley Post also left voicemail and emailed the union's headquarters in Washington, DC to no avail.

Local union leaders spoke with the Springfield Republican daily newspaper.


In Brattleboro in 2020, Trump got 16 percent of the vote. Nationally, Trump got 47 percent of the vote. The Vermont Progressive party currently counts among its members the mayor of Vermont's biggest city, Burlington; the Lieutenant Governor; and eight members of the state legislature, according to the party's web site. Anthony Pollina is the party's chairperson. He was a member of the state senate for 12 years, ending last year when he did not seek re-election. In a voice phone interview on August 26, Pollina told the Valley Post that rich people in Vermont can afford to pay more taxes and that the money could be used to improve the state's nursing homes. “Food in nursing homes is bad,” he said. “We now have better food in schools. That was the result of a movement a few years ago. You should talk to the group Hunger Free Vermont, and to Brattleboro state representative Emilie Kornheiser.” Kornheiser is chair of the Ways and Means committee.

On August 30, the Valley Post emailed Hunger Free Vermont and Kornheiser to request phone interviews.


In Springfield, Massachusetts on August 28 about 30 people were at a rally to protest fee increases at the West Street Village mobile home community. A group that promoted the event has a web site at www.SpringfieldNoOneLeaves.org.


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