Farmworker Rights Rally is Oct. 24

In Springfield on September 11, there was a rally to protest fee increases at the West Street Village mobile home community. “It went well,” Rose Webster-Smith told the Valley Post. She works for a group that has a web site at About 15 people were at the rally.


In Brattleboro on October 24 at 5 p.m., there will be a farmworker rights rally outside the Hannaford supermarket. The organizers have a web site at


On September 6, the Brattleboro town manager told the Valley Post that, due to a fire, all of the apartments in a three-story apartment building in the heart of downtown have been vacant for decades. The building's ground level store was occupied until recently. Soon, the 10 apartments will be fixed and rented out to refugees. The address of the building is 12-14 Elliot Street. The storefront will also likely be occupied soon. This victory is partly the result of the work of activists who fight to protect farmland and forestland from development.


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