Rally to Save the Postal Service

In Springfield there will be a rally to save the postal service. The rally will be on October 1 at noon outside 1860 Page Boulevard. FedEx and UPS would benefit if the postal service was to close. Louis DeJoy, who runs the postal service, has for many years given money to Republicans like Trump. Trump nominated DeJoy’s wife to be the U.S. ambassador to Canada. Biden can't fire DeJoy. The postal service is run by a board that can fire DeJoy. The nine members of the board are appointed by the president, with senate approval, for seven-year terms that are staggered.

Last year, the Washington Post reported that post offices were ordered to deliver for Amazon before dealing with any other mail, including prescription medications and social security checks.

Details about the Springfield rally are at:



In Brattleboro on September 21 there will be a rally to protest the USA's support for Israel's war on Gaza. The rally starts at noon outside the main post office. A group that's promoting the event has a web page at:



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