300 March, Rally; 2,900 Acres Saved

About 200 people marched in Brattleboro. The event was organized by local resident Vera Riley, and by the Women's March, a national group.

“It was wonderful,” Riley told the Valley Post. “Mollie Burke, Isaac Evans-Frantz, and others spoke of alternative media; nuclear delusion; military budget in the trillions; Palestine; gun control; Black Lives Matter; bi, gay, trans, etc; and more. George Carville sent us off with a story from 1982 about the Ku Klux Klan's unsuccessful event at the gazebo where people sang 'We Shall Overcome.' Then George led us in singing to close.”

The Brattleboro march was on January 18, the same day as marches in Washington, DC and around the nation. Video of the DC march is at:



Kestrel Land Trust announced on its web site on January 8 that it had helped save 2,400 acres of forest land in the Pioneer Valley from development. The land will be logged.

Also on January 8, the Hassanamisco Nipmuc Band, a group of Native Americans in Massachusetts, announced on its web site that it had accepted a donation of 500 acres of forest land in the Pioneer Valley town of Sunderland. The land was donated by W.D. Cowls, a local company. The Hassanamisco Nipmuc Band will protect the land from development.

The USA is losing 6,000 acres of open space to development every DAY.


Green Mountain National Forest is about 10 miles from the nearest part of the Brattleboro town line as the crow flies. On January 11 in Green Mountain National Forest about 100 people attended a rally to protest logging in the forest. Details are are on the web site of the group that organized the event: www.StandingTrees.org.


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