Roots Music Legend Joel Zoss at Small Brattleboro Venue June 12

On June 12 at 7:30 p.m., Joel Zoss and his band will play at the Hooker Dunham Theater in Brattleboro. Zoss frequently performs with B.B. King. He lives in western Massachusetts and performs all over the world. More information is at and in the below article by James Heflin. It originally appeared in the Valley Advocate newspaper.


Joel Zoss releases a new album and talks Valley music scene  

Acoustic guitarist and singer/songwriter Joel Zoss is a busy musician. He's a Valley resident, but he spends most of his time playing elsewhere. Elsewhere as in opening for B.B. King.

Nonetheless, Zoss' recently released album Lila is very much a Valley affair. The players include, among other locals, Guy DeVito on bass and Billy Klock on drums, with whom Zoss sometimes plays as a trio. Lila was produced by June Millington, former member of Fanny and founder of the Institute for the Musical Arts in Goshen.

Zoss' resume is extensive—his songs "Too Long at the Fair" and "I gave My Love a Candle" were recorded by Bonnie Raitt; he's repeatedly received the Special Music Award from ASCAP; his songs have sold so many copies he's got two gold records; he's recorded for major labels; and he's received a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship in creative writing...

The full article is at


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