Photo: Keene Local Food Activist

Bonnie Hudspeth of Keene buys local organic eggs at the Hannah Grimes store on Main Street in downtown Keene after walking through a rain storm. Hudspeth works for a non-profit organization, the Keene Downtown Group. The Group's mission is to make downtown Keene better. Downtown Keene is walk-able and is full of locally owned businesses. Suburban Keene is dominated by cars, Wal-Mart, and other chain stores. For details, call Hudspeth at 603-352-0900. More info on the egg store is at

photo by Eesha Williams


Here is the web site for the

Here is the web site for the Keene Buy Local Initiative:

Our web site has events happening this week and also more info behind our local campaign.

Bonnie Hudspeth

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