Hundreds March in Greenfield for Library

Hundreds of people marched down Main Street to Greenfield town hall November 13 to protest a proposal by mayor William Martin to reduce the public library’s budget by $30,300 this month. The library recently reduced its hours in response to earlier budget cuts.

“I’m here to stand up for our library,” said marcher and Greenfield resident Ted Compton. “Having a library is civilized.”

Another marcher said she relies on the library for books, music, internet access, and a sense of community.

The march was organized by Greenfield resident David Brock, who is also circulating a petition against the cuts. For more information on the effort to save the library contact Brock at

The Greenfield town council will hold a public hearing about the mayor’s plan on November 18 at 6 p.m. in the middle school auditorium.

photos by Eesha Williams


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