Simba Concert Is August 10

Simba will perform a free, outdoor public concert in Putney, Vermont, near Brattleboro, on August 10. At a recent Simba concert, at least 100 people danced for hours. The band plays reggae and funk, among other kinds of music.

Simba’s members live in and near Brattleboro. At Simba concerts they play guitar, drums, bass, trombone, trumpet, saxamphone, bongos, talking drum, electric piano, and other instruments. One of Simba’s most popular songs was written by Simba guitar player Derrik Jordan. It’s a tribute to Fela Kuti, the Nigerian funk musician, performed in the style of Kuti’s music.

“We are also known as the No Nukes Band,” drummer and vocalist Johnny Yuma said from the stage during the recent concert. “We want Vermont Yankee [nuclear power plant] closed.” His comment was received by long and loud applause and cheers from the audience.

The concert will be at the park at the corner of Route 5 and Kimball Hill Road. It will start at 6:30 p.m.

More information is available from Jordan, who has a web site or from or from Simba percussionist Steve Leicach who can be reached via or by calling (802) 869-1822.


Great music!

I saw the show tonight. It was my first time seeing SIMBA, and I can't wait to see them again!

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