Free 'Jobs With Justice' Conference is March 6 in Holyoke

The non-profit group Jobs With Justice will hold a conference in Holyoke on March 6 from 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. with a dinner break. Admission is free for "low-income" people. The conference will be followed by a dance.

The keynote speech will be by Rob Witherell. He has worked as an organizer for the Steelworkers union for almost 20 years. Witherell will talk about Mondragón Cooperativa in Spain, the world's biggest network of worker-owned cooperatives.

The deadline to sign up for dinner at the conference was February 26. No pre-registration is required for the conference workshops and keynote speech.

More information is available at (the registration deadline listed at the WMJWJ site is incorrect) and


This article replaces a Valley Post article about the conference that was published on February 24.


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