Regulators Say They May Shut Vermont Yankee Now

The Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant may be ordered to close immediately by state regulators, according to a statement released on February 25 by the Vermont Public Service Board, whose members are appointed by the governor. Vermont Yankee is three miles from Massachusetts and a stone's throw from New Hampshire.

The Conservation Law Foundation asked the board to close the reactor. Anti-nuclear groups are urging the public to contact the three members of the board and urge them to close Vermont Yankee immediately and permanently. The board said it is also considering closing the reactor temporarily until a leak there is fixed.

The Valley Post will update this article as more information becomes available.

For more information about Vermont Yankee, please click the "nuclear power" tag, above, then scroll down.

Information on alternatives to nuclear power -- and a history of the nuclear power industry and the movement against it -- are included in the article at:

More information about the Vermont Public Service Board's February 25 announcement is at:


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