Photo: Goldfinch Near Brattleboro

This photo was taken on August 15 in Dummerston, Vermont, near Brattleboro. It shows three goldfinches. In autumn, male goldfinches shed their bright yellow feathers and become drab like the female. Females build nests in trees. The nests are woven so tightly that they will hold water.

One goldfinch that was banded in Ontario, Canada was found in Louisiana. The vast majority of the food eaten by American Goldfinches is grain. They eat large numbers of weed seeds, which helps vegetable farmers.

Goldfinches can travel five miles in a day. Many goldfinches who live in the South do not migrate, but ones here in the Valley migrate. Most of the information in this article is from the web site of the Chipper Woods Bird Observatory, a non-profit organization in Indiana.

photo by Eesha Williams


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