Peace Action Is August 21-22 Near Springfield

A group of Valley residents is planning to rally for peace at a display of military might by the U.S. Air Force in Westfield, Massachusetts on August 21 and 22. The public is welcome to join the peace action. Westfield is near Springfield.

"We will be reminding people at the air show that these planes are weapons of mass destruction," said peace activist Daniel Sicken of Dummerston, Vermont, near Brattleboro. He plans to take part in the peace protest.

Out of an annual federal government budget of about $2,900,000,000,000 about half goes to war. Details are at:

The peace activists plan to meet at 9:30 a.m. both days at the entrance to the Westfield Air Show

More information on the peace action is available by calling Patricia "Paki" Weiland at (413) 585-9314.


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