Public Urged to Oppose Power Plant in Springfield

An appointee of Governor Deval Patrick announced recently that the state will not require a company that wants to build a wood incinerator and power plant in Springfield to submit an environmental impact report. The decision was made by Ian Bowles, secretary of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.

“During the campaign for governor, Patrick said he was against the big biomass incinerators. (Weeks after the election) he rolls out the red carpet for a big biomass incinerator,” said Chris Matera of Massachusetts Forest Watch on November 22.

“This decision is bad for forests, air quality, public health, global warming, and public finances,” Matera said.

Matera urged people to contact Patrick and their local elected officials to oppose the incinerator.

Palmer Renewable Energy Corporation wants to construct the facility at 1000 Page Boulevard. It would burn more than 1,100 tons of green wood chips per day. Hundreds of people contacted the state to demand that the company be required to submit an environmental impact report.

More information is available at or by calling Matera at (413) 341-3878.


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