Nov. 30 Rally in Springfield to Help Jobless

On November 30 at 2:30 p.m. there will be a rally in Springfield to call on congressman Richard Neal to take action to extend benefits for unemployed workers. Congress recently decided to cut off benefits for some jobless workers – including some 60,000 Massachusetts residents -- on November 30. The rally will be at 300 State Street.

About 2 million Americans will lose their unemployment benefits on November 30 unless Congress reverses its earlier decision.

“Cutting unemployment benefits will force more families into homeless shelters, onto welfare, and into the streets,” said a spokesperson for Arise For Social Justice, the Springfield-based group that’s organizing the rally.

More information is available at or by contacting Liz by phone at (413) 734-4948 or e-mail:

The information in this article was provided by the western Massachusetts chapter of Jobs with Justice


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