Springfield Incinerator Hearing is April 5

Why did an incinerator corporation recently choose Springfield, the biggest city in western Massachusetts (population 156,000) as the location for a new incinerator? Could the choice be related to the fact that Springfield is home to a much higher percentage of people of color (48 percent) than most cities and towns in the region? The percentage of families in poverty in Springfield is more than double the national average. Maybe the incinerator company’s lawyers thought poor people of color would be less likely to put up a fight. They were wrong.

The new group Stop Toxic Incineration in Springfield (STIP) is urging the public to go to a public hearing on April 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Duggan Middle School, 1015 Wilbraham Road. The state Department of Environmental Protection, whose head is appointed by Governor Deval Patrick, is holding the hearing. More information is at www.SpringfieldIncinerator.info

One of the groups that is a member of STIP is the Toxics Action Center www.toxicsaction.org/contact-us which can be reached by phone at (413) 253-4458.

According to www.pvasthmacoalition.org the percentage of elementary and high school students with asthma in Springfield is double the Massachusetts rate.


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