Concert Review: Red Molly

Red Molly performed an excellent public concert in Putney, Vermont, near Brattleboro, on April 17. According to the Boston Globe, "Red Molly may be from New York, but their bluegrass and old-time gospel sounds and buoyant three-part harmonies are so down-home it's as if their notes are carried to you on the crisp air of the Ozarks."

Red Molly will play in North Carolina on April 29 and in California on June 23. The band performed in Putney with singer Chris O'Brien, who performed on Garrison Keillor's radio program, "A Prairie Home Companion."

The members of Red Molly are Laurie MacAllister, Abbie Gardner and Molly Venter. They sing and play guitars, dobro, banjo, and bass. Their 2008 album “Love and Other Tragedies” spent ten weeks in the top 15 on the Americana Top 40 chart ( The band recently released a new album, "James."

The Putney concert was produced by


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