Photos: October Snow

These photos show the record amount of snow that fell on the Valley on October 29 and October 30. Rowe, Massachusetts, near Greenfield, got about two feet of snow, according to Rowe resident Deb Katz. She is the director of

Global warming caused by cars, coal and nuclear power plants and other human sources results in more severe droughts, floods, blizzards, and heat waves. That's according to the new book Eaarth by Bill McKibben of Vermont. Time magazine said McKibben is "the planet's best green journalist."

Information on how global warming is affecting Valley farmers is at:

Also visible in these photos are the Scott Farm in Dummerston, Vermont, near Brattleboro, and Mount Monadnock, near Keene. To enlarge a photo, please click on it, then scroll down and click "see full size image." photos by Eesha Williams


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