445 Acres Near Keene to Be Saved

Next month or in April, a local land trust will almost certainly protect 300 acres of forestland in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, between Keene and Brattleboro, said a spokesperson. "We expect to have the deal done in early spring, Katrina Farmer told the Valley Post on Feb. 3. She works for the Monadnock Conservancy in Keene. The group is also working to protect 145 acres in Swanzey, the next town south of Keene.

The Chesterfield land include wetlands that are home to nesting herons. Sustainable logging will be allowed on the forestland on the property. The land in Swanzey borders the Ashuelot River and contains 1.3 miles along the water's edge.

More information about these projects is at www.MonadnockConservancy.org

The vast majority of land in The Valley is still unprotected and vulnerable to being paved with roads, parking lots, “McMansion” vacation homes that are usually vacant, Wal-Marts, and other so-called “development.”

More information about land use in the Valley – including a map of protected land -- is at:



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