Photo: Sap Flowing, Maple Syrup Is Being Made

Stuart and John’s Sugarhouse is in Westmoreland, New Hampshire. That's about a 10 minute drive from Brattleboro. On February 11, Stuart Adams, one of the farm's owners, collected sap and used it to make maple syrup. That was the earliest date in the year ever, he told the Keene Sentinel newspaper.

This photo shows clear glass bottles of maple syrup. The bottles are lined up chronologically from left to right, with the syrup that was made earliest in the season to latest. The syrup was made by Dan Crocker at Sidelands Sugarbush in Westminster West, Vermont, near Brattleboro. This photo was taken there during a recent sugaring season by Caleb Kenna

To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click, "see full-size image."

An article about how global warming is affecting Valley farmers is at:

Contact info for farms where you can see maple syrup being made is at: (Click on a maple leaf icon for farm contact info.)


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