1,700 at Springfield Rally for Justice

There were rallies for justice in Springfield on March 31 and April 2. About 1,700 people attended the March 31 rally, which was the bigger of the two. The bigger rally was to support Trayvon Martin, and to protest racist police. There were similar protests around the nation. Martin was an unarmed African American teenager who was shot and killed in Florida in February by George Zimmerman. The government has failed to charge Zimmerman with any crime; he is free.

The goals of the other rally, held on April 2, were to get the federal government to spend less money on war and more on affordable housing for homeless people, and to get the state and city governments to raise taxes on the rich and spend more on housing for homeless people.

Both events were organized by groups including Arise for Social Justice, a group based in Springfield www.AriseForSocialJustice.blogspot.com


This photo shows Kyreem Tabar of Springfield speaking at the April 2 rally. To enlarge the photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full-size image." The photo was taken by Joe Oliverio, who can be reached at JoeOliverio@comcast.net. Oliverio has posted several videos that he filmed at rallies and marches in Springfield at:


The videos have been viewed more than 10,000 times, according to YouTube.


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