Thomas Mapfumo in Northampton July 22

Thomas Mapfumo, a musician and activist from Zimbabwe, will perform a public concert in Northampton on July 22 at 7 p.m. Mapfumo was forced to leave Zimbabwe because he spoke out against the government. He lives in Oregon. Samples of his music can be heard for free at:

Zimbabwe is a landlocked nation that borders South Africa. The U.S. and other rich nations have a long history of stealing resources from Africa. This story is told in the books “Bury the Chains” by Adam Hochschild and "Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power" by Steve Coll, and in the film "Lumumba" by Raoul Peck. The average life expectancy in Zimbabwe is 49. In the U.S., it’s 77.

The concert will be at the Iron Horse Music Hall. Tickets cost $15 plus a service charge.


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