Photos: 1,000 People March to Close Vermont Yankee

These photos were taken on March 30 in Brattleboro. They show about 1,000 people marching to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. After the march, there was a rally. Speakers included Vermont state senator Jeanette White and Deb Katz, director of Reggae music was provided by DJ David Longsmith of 107.7 FM in Brattleboro. More information about Vermont Yankee is at:

To enlarge a photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "See full-size image." photos by Eesha Williams


shut it down!

With the people's power , strength and creative use of non-violence, VY will be history! Soon!

No Nuke

Bring in Union of Concerned Scientists.. This old relic should have been closed along time ago..

Close Vermont Yankee March

What a great turn out. How can they stay open?

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