Peace Rallies Set for Brattleboro, Northampton

On April 15 in Brattleboro, and on April 16 in Northampton, there will be rallies for peace. The rallies are to cut the nation’s military budget. Almost half of this year's entire federal budget of $2.9 trillion is being spent on war. That’s according to:

People at the rallies will also call on the government to raise taxes on the rich and use the money to help the poor, through programs like better public transportation and free health care.

The Brattleboro rally will be outside the downtown post office on Main Street from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. More information is available at:

or by contacting Daniel Sicken (pronounced SEEkin) by phone at (802) 387‒2798 or by e-mail at

The details for the Northampton event are available via:

or by contacting Jeff Napolitano of the American Friends Service Committee: or phone (413) 584-8975.


According to an e-mail from

According to an e-mail from the western Massachusetts chapter of there will be a peace protest march on April 16 at 11 a.m. that will start in front of the Northampton city hall, 210 Main Street.

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