In Valley, Hundreds Say 'No War With Syria'

Hundreds of people in Northampton, Keene, Brattleboro, and other Valley towns attended rallies for peace with Syria on September 8 and 9. The Northampton action drew more than 200 people. It was organized by the local chapter of and by The other rallies were organized by MoveOn. About a dozen people were at the Keene rally, about two dozen in Amherst.

A rally in Williamsburg, Massachusetts, near Northampton, was attended by 22 people, organizer Eliza Cooney told the Valley Post.

Kurt Daims, the organizer of the Brattleboro rally, told the Valley Post that 43 people attended that event.

More information about why and how millions of Americans are protesting President Obama’s plan to attack Syria is at and


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