Photo: Red, Orange Leaves in Greenfield

This photo was taken on September 14 in Greenfield. It shows pedestrians and a maple tree whose leaves are changing color. To enlarge the photo click on it, then scroll down and click "see full size image."

photo by Eesha Williams

Also visible in the photo are power lines. The town of Grafton, Vermont, near Brattleboro, buried its power lines to be more scenic, to reduce deaths from people crashing their cars into utility poles, and to reduce power outages from storm-damaged trees falling on above-ground power lines. Other towns and cities around the nation that have done the same include San Antonio, Texas; Colorado Springs, Colorado; New Castle, Delaware; Saratoga Springs, New York; Williamsburg, Virginia; Tacoma, Washington; and Frederick, Maryland. That's according to:

According to that site, burying power lines is good for the economy, and creates jobs.


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