Photos: Rally at Springfield City Hall

These photos were taken on October 7. They show Springfield residents at city hall. They were protesting mayor Domenic Sarno's failure to implement an anti-foreclosure ordinance that the city council passed in 2011. Banks have paid their CEOs millions of dollars a year while forcing dozens of poor people out of their homes in Springfield in recent years. If the city had implemented the ordinance, the city would have collected millions of dollars in so-called "security bonds" and fines from banks, according to rally organizers.

Following the rally on the steps of city hall, the protesters spoke out at a city council meeting where a vote was to take place on whether to raise Sarno's salary from $95,000 to $135,000 a year. The council gave preliminary approval for the raise. Sarno said he hopes to implement the anti-foreclosure ordinance soon. The group that organized the protest has a web site: To enlarge a photo, click on it, then scroll down and click "see full size image." photos by Roberto Ceballos-Garcia


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