In Keene, a Victory for Health and the Environment

A $132,000 expansion to Keene's bicycle and pedestrian path will be done by June 20, 2015, according to a city official. “The trail will reach Stonewall Farm from downtown Keene,” Chuck Redfern told the Valley Post. He is a member of a group that worked to make the trail happen.

Motorized vehicles are not allowed on the path. is three miles from downtown Keene. It is a dairy farm that is open to the public and has educational programs. It has hundreds of acres of pasture and forest, and miles of walking trails.

Walking and riding a bicycle reduces obesity. Treatment of obesity-related health problems for people without health insurance costs taxpayers billions of dollars a year.

Walking or riding a bicycle, rather than driving, is good for the environment. Cars cause global warming.

Thom Little is a member of Pathways for Keene. “We are celebrating,” he told the Valley Post. “This is great for Keene.”


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