Eight Women Arrested at Valley Nuke Protest

Eight women were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. Vermont Yankee is three miles from Massachusetts and a stone’s throw from New Hampshire.... Read more »

Photos: Signs of Spring in Springfield

These photos were taken on April 16 in Forest Park in Springfield. They show blossoms of a red maple, and green shoots next to a beaver-chewed tree trunk. Beavers chew on big trees to sharpen... Read more »

Vermont Rally for Justice Is May 1

Vermont's governor, a Democrat, and the state's Democrat-controlled House, are poised to approximately double the cost of health insurance for Vermont's poor and working class people. The governor... Read more »

Peace Rallies Set for Brattleboro, Northampton

On April 15 in Brattleboro, and on April 16 in Northampton, there will be rallies for peace. The rallies are to cut the nation’s military budget. Almost half of this year's entire federal budget... Read more »

Photos: 1,000 People March to Close Vermont Yankee

These photos were taken on March 30 in Brattleboro. They show about 1,000 people marching to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. After the march, there was a rally. Speakers included... Read more »