On March 11, Valley Trains Will Accelerate

On March 11, trains between the Massachusetts-Vermont border near Brattleboro and White River Junction, Vermont – a trip of about 75 miles -- will travel at speeds of up to 79 miles per hour.... Read more »

Rally Against Rape Is March 1 in Amherst

One in three women in the United States will be sexually assaulted at some point during their lives. On March 1 at 4 p.m. in Amherst there will be a rally against rape, Zoë Talkin told the Valley... Read more »

Company Wants to Generate Hydro Power in Keene

An existing dam in Keene may soon generate electricity. The dam was built in the 1800s. It hasn’t generated electricity. A locally owned company, West Street Hydro, recently applied for... Read more »

Rallies Set for Feb. 13, 14, 15

Rallies for justice, peace, and the environment are planned for the Valley on February 13, 14, and 15. Workers at Stop & Shop grocery stores are negotiating a new union contract. Their current... Read more »

Florida Nuke Closes; Vermont Yankee Fight Continues

The last time that a nuclear power plant was ordered and built in the United States was in 1973. There are 62 nuclear power plants in the nation. On February 5, the owner of the Crystal River... Read more »