August 9 March and Bike Ride to Close Vermont Yankee

On August 9 at 10:30 a.m. two groups of anti-nuclear activists will meet at the gates of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The Walk for a Nuclear Free Future will march to Northampton. The Solar Rollers will ride bicycles to Burlington. Both groups welcome anyone to join them for all or part of their routes. For information about the march call Daniel Sicken at (802) 387-2798 or e-mail Hattie Nestel

Solar Rollers schedule:

Sun. Aug 9 - Brattleboro area
Mon. Aug 10 - Springfield, Vermont
Tue. Aug 11 - Randolph
Wed. Aug 12 - White River Jct
Thu. Aug 13 - Bradford
Fri. Aug 14 - St. Johnsbury
Sat. Aug 15 - Hardwick
Sun. Aug 16 - Glover
Mon. Aug 17 - Troy
Tue. Aug 18 - Johnson
Wed. Aug 19 - Enosburg Falls
Thu. Aug 20 - St. Albans
Fri. Aug 21 - Islands
Sat. Aug 22 - Burlington
Sun. Aug 23 - Burlington
Mon, Aug 24 - Montpelier

For more info about the ride contact David Detmold at 413-863-9296 or or John Ward at 413-863-8952. The ride is cosponsored by Citizens Awareness Network and the Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance.

For background about Vermont Yankee please click the "nuclear power" tag at the top of this article, then scroll down to see older articles.

Vermont Yankee is about one-quarter mile south of the Vernon library (on the same street):

Directions are available at


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