Photo: Building a Bridge by Hand

These photos show a worn out, wooden covered bridge in Newfane, Vermont, and workers building a new bridge about 100 yards from the old one. When the new bridge is ready, the old one will be removed and the new one slid into its place. The bridge builders are staying at a motel in Brattleboro, they said. They are from upstate New York. (To enlarge a photo, please click on it, then scroll down and click "See full size image.")


We will install a temporary

We will install a temporary steel support structure under the old bridge. The structure will allow us to disassemble the old bridge, and roll the new bridge into place. We will remove the steel when we're done.

Jim Ligon
Newfane, VT
(802) 348-7105
Mon-Thurs 7-5

I love driving by here and

I love driving by here and watching them build this, amazing project for sure. I would love to see how they're going to move it into place.

Tammy McNamara
Dummerston, VT.

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