In Amherst, Brattleboro: Protest War Taxes, Tax Evading Corporations

Taxes are due on April 18 this year. Activists in Amherst and Brattleboro plan to use the occasion to educate the public. About half the federal budget goes to war. The richest Americans and biggest corporations are able to avoid paying all or most of the money they owe the government.

Protesters will hand out a pie chart showing what the government does with the money that Americans pay in income taxes:

The Brattleboro action starts at 10 a.m. outside the main post office. More information is at

Greenpeace and the AFL-CIO labor union confederation are among the groups sponsoring a noon rally in Amherst outside the Bank of America office at 1 South Pleasant Street. Details are at:

More information on American tax policy is in the book "Free Lunch: How the Wealthiest Americans Enrich Themselves at Government Expense (and Stick You with the Bill)" by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist David Cay Johnston. Johnston blogs at:


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