Movement to Close Valley Nuke Heats Up

In the coming weeks there will be a series of rallies, courtroom actions, and a non-violent civil disobedience training camp. All are intended to close the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. Vermont Yankee is three miles from Massachusetts and a stone’s throw from New Hampshire.

Claire Chang is a spokesperson for

She asked the public to go to court to support 15 women who were arrested for non-violent civil disobedience at Vermont Yankee. Their court dates in Brattleboro are coming up soon:

There will be a non-violent civil disobedience training camp on September 9 and 10 in Greensboro Bend, Vermont. Greensboro Bend is east of Burlington. “Come join us for a Friday evening panel discussion on the current status of the Vermont Yankee plant closing, tent-out for the night if you wish, and join us on Saturday for strategy sessions, informational workshops, and non-violent direct action training,” said Chang. More information is available by calling Robin Cappuccino at (802) 533-2296 or by e-mailing her at

In Brattleboro on September 10 there will be a rally to close Vermont Yankee. There will be music and speeches, Chang said. The rally will go from 1 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Wells Fountain Park, which is on Main Street, about 100 feet north of the library. The library is at 224 Main Street. More information is available from Chang.

Anti-nuclear activists are encouraging the public to attend a crucial court case at the federal courtroom in Brattleboro on September 12, 13, and 14. Details are at:

More information on Vermont Yankee, and the movement to close the reactor, is at:


Because of Hurricane Irene,

Because of Hurricane Irene, the non-violent civil disobedience training camp has been postponed to a date-to-be-announced in October or November. More information is available by calling Robin Cappuccino at (802) 533-2296 or by e-mailing her at

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