Photo: 120 At Local Wal-Mart Protest

On September 6 in Chicopee, Massachusetts, near Springfield, about 120 people protested at a Wal-Mart store. Some of the protesters met with the store’s manager. The protesters held signs and spoke with shoppers near the front door to the Wal-Mart. Then they marched to the public property at the end of the shopping center’s driveway where passing motorists could read their signs, wave, and honk their car horns in support.

Wal-Mart is owned by the richest family in the world, the Waltons. They pay their U.S. workers barely above minimum wage and the workers at their factories in China among the lowest wages in the world.

The protest was organized by Jobs With Justice

photo by Joe Oliverio


WalMart Protest

It rocked... we definitely made an impact.... lots of honks and support from passers by, as well !

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